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Our Services

Our Services

The NPPFA has arranged with Wealth Resource Group, Ltd., a licensed provider of securities and insurance products (which operates under the brand name NPPFA Benefits), to design and provide Plans for public employees through the NPPFA. Wealth Resource Group provides similar plans and products for public employees and union members in many states and provides both Wise Choice plans and the Retirement Healthcare Funding plan through the links below for the benefit of public employees and their affiliates.


The Wise Choice for Public Employees and The Wise Choice for Educators are registered trademarks of Wealth Resource Group. All rights in these trademarks are expressly reserved.

National Public Pension Fund Association

The National Public Pension Fund Association (NPPFA) is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2019 but developed its roots in a state-specific not-for-profit umbrella organization representing public pensions and institutional funds in 1985. As the demand grew for prudent stewardship over governmental deferred compensation 457 plans, the NPPFA was established to offer training, services, and support to investors, public employers, and their organizations.

NPPFA Benefits - The Wise Choice

Teacher and Pupil

The Wise Choice for Educators® 403(b)/457(b) Plan

Engineers at work

The Wise Choice for Public Employees® 457 Plan

Patient with Healthcare Nurse

Retirement Healthcare Funding Plan

Image by Ethan Walsweer
National Round Table Conference 2025
August 11th-13th, Delavan, Wisconsin

Corporate Sponsorship

The NPPFA holds educational seminars, training, conferences, meetings, and more for institutional investors and industry professionals. Interested in sponsoring an NPPFA event? Click the button below to learn more. 


Pension Trustee's and Industry Professionals

The NPPFA services meets institutional investors' and industry professionals' needs by holding educational seminars, and annual training conferences, producing trustee and investment bulletins, making referrals for professional services as required, creating networking opportunities, and sponsoring prepaid medical insurance trust/VEBA plans and a co-op 457, 403(b) plans.


Contact Us

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Mailing Address:

202 South Randall Rd. P.O. Box 5057 , Elgin Illinois, 60123

Tel. 630-784-0406

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